Friday, 22 November 2013

Mock Exam Prep

Hello Year 11!

This blog has been neglected since last year's Year 11s finished their exams. But with your mock coming up, I thought I'd send you some links to some of my old posts.

Here's some advice for the upcoming mock exam.

First, carefully read through my GCSE English exam guide here.

This post gives you a past paper, a mark scheme and a model answer for the English Language paper!

Here's a good article for practising your analytical skills. And to go with it, a commentary on the text.

Finally, here's a bit of advice on crafting your writing. Apart from that, the best piece of advice, courtesy of Miss B, is 'don't be boring'!

PS. Please check my 'Browse by topic' and 'Links' sections to the right of the page for some helpful links to 'Of Mice and Men' stuff.

Please feel free to comment below if you have any questions or concerns.

And also, if you'd like email updates to alert you to new posts, just pop your email address into the 'follow by email' bit over here somewhere ------------>


Mr M